Acupunture & Moxibustion
Jing Luo - Meridians & collaterals
Many people when going for their first acupuncture treatment are surprised at how thin the needles are, and yes, we do not re use the needles, the needles are single use only and will be taken of once we drop them off at the apothecary.
The basic mechanism of Acupuncture or any other discipline with Traditional Chinese Medicine is to work with Qi - life force, it is what you feel when you rub your hands and hold your palms together.
Depending on the patients complaints, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners may insert needles on different parts over the body, head and even the face to stimulate acupuncture points which lies on meridians and collaterals - energetic channels encompassing the entire external and internal body to promote the Qi flow. Once Qi starts to move, there will be less pain, less fatigue, more energy and over time the body and mind will be more in harmony with another.
There is a very famous TCM saying:
"Bu Tong Zhi Tong, Tong Zhi Bu Tong."
"When there is Stagnation, there will be pain. Pain will be gone, when there is Free Flow."
Each needle insertion acts like a mini alarm, wave to tell the body to start finding balance again.
Moxibustion involves burning mugwort, a herb which as been dried and most commonly used, rolled up into a stick and with the aim to be burned. The smell and warmth has healing, restoring properties since it unblocks the channels, ease pain and bring soothing warmth deep inside the body. It helps to promote relaxation and can also be used internal problems like menstrual disorders and infertility.
- - stress
- insomnia
- depression
- postpartum depression
- anxiety
- trauma
- pain
- infertility
- IVF support
- pre and post-partum care
- digestive issues
- allergies
- skin conditions
- addictions
- weight loss
- Long-Covid
Though in Traditional Chinese Medicine, we do believe that the body, mind and the nature are intrinsically related, and thus one can affect the other.